Feng Sui, an essential lifestyle for Sonia G Caballero

The Spanish artist tells us about her passion for Feng Sui.

Feng Sui is an ancient Chinese philosophical system of Taoist origin based on the conscious and harmonious occupation of space in order to achieve a positive influence on the people who occupy it. In this way attract the favourable energies that help us to have a better life, better relationships, better health, better abundance and of course, opportunities for success.



Already more than 10 years ago, Sonia G Caballero’s eagerness for books led her to buy a book by Lilian Too, “168 Feng Sui tricks for a happy and peaceful life.” Today, that book is already discontinued. However, she was able to use some of the tricks Lilian explained in her book, although she eventually forgot what they were.


But it was last year when Ayman Ahmed Christopher Many, Director of Dubai Media Inc. Dubai TV, with whom she maintains a close friendship, who pushed her back into the world of Feng Sui. Mr. Ayman Ahmed confessed that all Dubai is done with Feng Sui, and how important it is to incorporate it into your life and study your Bazi Letter. Ayman studied the plans of her house and applied his knowledge of Feng Sui, in the kindest way possible. He insisted on the importance of finding a teacher in Feng Sui who would do a home study professionally. He even helped her to find a teacher (in Japan) and after a year he found her. She is called Nastia. A lovely woman with deep knowledge in many fields, and most importantly, is a person very committed to her work.

The work that Ayman did last year according to Nastia, was all correct, although she has added many new elements such as some plants, bamboos in concrete places, pictures of calm sea landscapes and flowers, and metal elements. Another new feature has been to paint the bathrooms in green, for example. Introduce the Chinese coins in specific points of the house and some red ornaments in others…

It is very difficult to determine the specific points of the flying stars of the water and the mountain … balance the energies, increase the positive ones and subtract the negative ones that bring problems …, and what has surprised you most of all the recommendations of Nastia has been to do a small altar in the Ancestors area in the house to say thank you for your life in Japan and precisely in this house, for all your happy moments that you have provided, I have so much to thank this country and this culture! – Sonia G Caballero says always. Nastia is not the first person who tells her that in other lives Sonia has been Japanese and that energy in her is the one that has attracted her to live in the country of the Rising Sun and to be able to live there for more than 20 years. Japan is a very attractive country but difficult for foreigners, especially as it happens to Sonia G Caballero, who comes from a country with so much sun.






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