She will exhibit again in the Bunkamura gallery in Tokyo two years after his last exhibition.
After a whole year in Spain creating new works and new personal projects, Sonia G Caballero returns to her adopted country, Japan, to prepare the exhibition of her work that will take place at the Bunkamura gallery in Tokyo in September. There she will offer a new series of works that will surely be liked by her fans. Sonia G Caballero told us that she is very excited to return to Bunkamura, where she celebrated her last exhibition of her work.
With renewed illusions, and with new inspirations and evolved techniques, she wants to show that she is an artist who has not reached the ceiling. Its constant evolution, its new jewelry projects and the international expansion of her work, mark the route map of the Madrid’s painter for the coming months.
Romero Premium Networking, a leading company in Spain developing personal brands, which manages Sonia G Caballero, the brand and the development of her professional project, is closing an exhibition in Barcelona, the first in Spain for October or November of this year, in addition to other activities that we will communicate promptly when they become official.
We look forward to wishing the greatest success in Japan for our partner in this brief stay in the country of the Rising Sun.
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